Thursday, May 5, 2011

See and Do

I love to play Simon Says with my class.  The children love imitating me and attempting to follow exactly what I do.  I also love to play Follow the Leader.  Growing up in Minnesota, some of my elementary grade teachers would lead us through deep snow banks, and we would follow along as little frozen ducks.  It was great!

I have the assumption that young children still like to follow what an adult does.  As early childhood educators it is our responsibility to provide and model positive experiences for our students.

If you have not already guessed, I am a rare-breed in the early childhood education field.  I am a preschool teacher.  I also taught kindergarten for 10 years.  You may not think that is unusual, but I must also add that I am a MALE PRESCHOOL TEACHER.  I love it!

As a leader - a kid leader - I love helping my students think outside the box - just as I did when I entered a female-dominated career.

Do you ever notice that girls typically steer away from tools and a workshop area?  Or do you fine boys lacking the interest in coloring neatly and making an artful masterpiece?  Honestly, I don't see that very much.  I let my little ones know that each job or play area is for everyone.  Everyone sees me building with blocks, just as they all see me wash dishes and feed the babies, too.  Girls need to learn how to fix things just as much as a boy does.  Boys need to learn how to cook and feed a baby just as much as a girl does.  Boys and girls both need to learn about color and creativity.

So...when I see a girl painting and using a saw in the Dramatic Play Workshop, I smile.

When I see boys coloring (neatly) and using their creativity to produce something wonderful for their mama, I smile.

When I see my students doing something that generates a sense of awe and wonder, I smile.

When I model something and later see my students doing the same, I smile even more! the best model...the best teacher...and provide the best experiences for your students.