Friday, April 29, 2011

Peter Rabbit vs. Mr. MacGregor

Well - we were finally able to head outside after many days of rain, and boy were we excited.  Our Garden Project has gone on for a while.  We planted sunflower seeds a while back but rain and mud kept us from monitoring them.  Today that all changed...

After heading out to the Garden Area we read the story, "Peter Rabbit".  Most of the children had never heard of dear Peter, but they soon became enthralled with the story.  Take a look...

After reading the story our adventure began.  I asked where the children thought they might find Peter.  One child remembered he lived in the hollowed out part of an old tree, so we began searching.  Some believe this might be the place (see below)...

Next, we wanted to know how Peter may have gotten into the garden.  Another child remembered he squeezed through the gate.  We found one gate open.  It was discussed and finally determined that Peter had it easy in this garden - the gate was left open, so no squeezing was required (see below)!  Notice the expression of disgust on one fellow's face.  He reminded everyone to "shut the gate next time".

After wandering around, one child found "proof" that Peter had been present...a half-eaten carrot.  Oh my!

As our garden adventure continued, we began to realize that both Peter and Mr. MacGregor were absent.  Perhaps they were doing errands now that the sun was shining.  One student suggest Mr. MacGregor was making vegetable soup for his lunch, and another suggested Peter was picking blackberries with Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-Tail.  Who Knows?  But we did see that Mr. MacGregor left something behind... we were making our way to our own part of the garden (where we planted our seeds) we spotted something - a big hole (see below)!  I asked the kids what they thought lived there.  Some said "Peter!" while others stated "a Troll!".  There's never a dull moment in early childhood education.

Wondering about our sunflower seeds?  Check back Monday...I share pictures then.  Until then - enjoy Peter Rabbit!

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